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E-Mail Discussion Lists

The U.S. Scouting Service Project now hosts Scouts-L, the largest and oldest
Scouting e-mail discussion list, formerly hosted by Texas Christian University (TCU).
Click Here for information about the Scouts-L list.
In addition to Scouts-L, the U.S. Scouting Service Project in cooperation with now hosts many of the e-mail discussion
lists formerly hosted by
Frequently Asked Questions for all other USSSP E-mail Discussion
- BPWeb - for those involved in planning, developing, or maintaining
District or Council Web Sites.
Moderator: John Tudor
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Recent postings
- BSRT - for staff members responsible for organizing Boy Scout Leader
Moderator: Mike Walton
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Recent postings
- Camporee-L - for camporee planners, camporee staffers, and all other
folks interested in camporees.
Moderator: Tim Aumann
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Related information at
- Canoe - for those planning on visiting Northern Tier High Adventure
Canoe Base, or other canoe sites. If you are planning a trip and have questions,
or if you have some experience to share, please join us.
Moderator: Alex Nepple
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Recent postings
- Cub-L - for those who want to share Cub Scouting information.
Moderator: Mat Trotter
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Recent postings
- cubcampstaff-L - for those who want to share Cub Scout Day Camp information.
Moderator: Jerry Mercer
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Recent postings
- Embers - a gentle, end of the evening time in front of the last remains
of the campfire. No topic restrictions - just good Scouting fellowship.
Moderator: Mike Walton
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Recent postings
- JamboLeader - The Jamboleader list is a gathering place for Scouters
and friends of Scouting interested in the BSA National Jamboree. This list is
for all adults, staff members (youth and adult), parents, and any other person
interested in ensuring the National Jamboree is a once in a lifetime experience
for our youth participants.
Moderator: Jim Sheckels
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Recent postings
- JamboreeScouts - A gathering place for Scouts attending the BSA National
Jamboree. This list is specifically for youth participants (staff and Troop
members) and their parents and is monitored by selected adult Scouters.
Moderator: Jim Sheckels
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Recent postings
- Philmont - for those planning on visiting the Philmont Scout Ranch
in New Mexico. If you're planning a trek, attending the Philmont Traiing Center,
or any other event, you can ask questions and trade tips with Philmont veterans.
Moderator: Russ E. Wetzel
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The Philmont FAQ is no longer available. We highly recommend
Selden's Philmont
Scout Ranch website as a good source of information.
Recent postings
- SeaBase - for those planning on visiting the Florida Sea Base in
the Florida Keys. If you are planning a trip and have questions, or if you have
some experience to share, please join us.
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Recent postings
- Treks - for those who wish to share ideas on High Adventure Treks
outside of Philmont..
Moderator: Bill Keller
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Recent postings
- Venturing - for those interested and involved with the Venturing
Division, including Sea Scouting. Although the primary discussions are about
Venturing, discussions concerning Venture patrols within Boy Scout Troops are
also welcome and encouraged.
Moderator: Cristi Wilkins
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- USSSP-L - U.S. Scouting Service Project (USSSP) e-newsletter. Not
a discussion list. Distribution list for sending news about Scouting an the
USSSP websites. There is no set schedule.
Moderator: Mike Bowman
Thanks! The e-mail discussion lists at were
started by Doug Gentry and became a wonderful place for Scouters to share ideas
and experiences through a number of e-mail discussion lists. We are all grateful
that Doug was able to host these lists for so long and were anxious to see that
the lists continued to be available. Thanks to the wonderful assistance of Bill
Keller of, we now have a host for
these lists and are pleased to let you knw that these lists will remain open for
your use.
More Discussion Lists: Didn't see something of interest here?
Try the NetCommish listing of Scouting related e-mail discussion lists at